A few other peaks and lakes will have to be visited as well while we're near by.
Of other news, the State Time Trial went alright. I was satisfied to have posted my first sub 52 minute 40K (24.8 miles) time trial. It was close to 29mph average, but how cool would 30 be?!
Up next, the Bogus Basin Hill Climb. I'm not expecting anything more than a good hard effort and catching up with friends, although I wouldn't turn down a good result.
Outside of that, I just thought that I'd mention that I don't want the summer to end. Fresh fruits and vegetables at their peak can't be beat. Enough sunshine to make a lot of the happy drug, vitamin D. It doesn't take half an hour to put clothes on to go outside. The mountains are venture-able (feel free to use my new word). Rivers are tube-able (I did it again, but it's not patented either). Please, speak with your local congressman about making a new law that winter does not come around but for a select few locations to ski/board at.