Friday, December 18, 2009

Should Have Brought The Camera Out More

Until subzero temps hit, Mike, Jason and I had been out mountain biking a lot! Sadly, I don't have too many shots to show for it. I need a point and shoot camera again that fits easily into a jersey pocket!
A while back, I was asked to be a model for some cycling shots. Obviously I couldn't turn that down! Here are some of the resulting shots:
If you like the shots, take a look at some of the rest of his stuff

Yesterday, I got to model again, but this time as a runner. An interesting turn from cycling I suppose. When they get to me, they'll be here.
At Bob's, I've been keeping their Twitter and Facebook accounts plugging along. Check 'em out and
I've also been hitting the gym to gain something my body has long forgotten about... muscle above the waist. I used to say that the goal was a T-rex build and it seemed to work. Now it's time to have some level of balance.
In other news, the amazing mountain biking here in the valley seems to be coming to a close with all this melting snow. Jason and I did hit the trails after one of the recent snow storms with around 25psi in the tires which proved to work pretty well!
Soon it will be time to hit the mountain in a completely new way... skis!

Jason and Mike hike-a-bike'n it up trail 4 when we did a reverse Stueby's Death March. I can't claim to have made it up the trail without a little shoulder time too.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Into The Snow We Go

Mike and I decided to hit up Pilot Peak a few weekends back and it was a bit more of an adventure than I originally thought it may be! We had planned Julie Creek Trail for some mountain biking, but the new snow clearly put that trail out of commission without even having to see it.
Moores Creek Summit
On the way up

It got slick on occasion which made things just that much more fun!
The final 3/4th's of a mile was unpacked... hoofing it we did
Eventually we decided it was safe to leave the bikes behind
Mike running the last bit
It's good to be king of the world for a moment :)

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