Thursday, September 06, 2007

Made in the U.S.A. on 9/7/1979 - best if used by date: uh....

Yes, I'm going to get 365 days older all in 1 day! I've completed this task 27 times previously and it's not getting any easier. So, in light of this amazing feat of physics, I'm going to let everyone out there in interwebs land be creative and draw on this provided picture. What will happen to my face tomorrow? Will there be a new wrinkle? A tooth falls out? 1st gray hair? Maybe I'll grow a beard and join ZZ Top on tour?

"And go get yourself some cheap sunglasses" BTW, that song was also made in 79. Best if used by date: timeless

side note: remember, I did enjoy a wild and crazy 3+ months of the seventies.
On another side note, mi madre turns 60 on the 20th. If you happen to see her, you can give her a hard time about it too, but she might disown me if I post a pic of her on here for you to draw on too.
Luckily, cyclists usually experience their best years between about 27 and 30.

p.s. Stu's most recent blog is hilarious, check it out (up and to your right)

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