Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Get Out There Before It Gets Too Cold!

A three day weekend without a race consuming it is rare when the weather is good, so how better to use it than to go out camping? Charlene and I headed out for another weekend away, this time to Deadwood Reservoir. The first night, I decided to not bother with finding lots and lots of wood to start a fire, so it was time to test out something new... a big stump. That worked all too well! It worked so well that we couldn't put it out! After multiple attempts, it finally looked to be out and we went to bed. A little while later, we woke up and saw a full fledged fire roaring once again. So we tried again to put it out and I swore that time it was out. A little while later, it was going full bore. Then the rain came in and we put the fly on the tent, but the stump kept on as if nothing could stop it. When we woke up, there wasn't much left of it. That thing would not give up!

The view from camp was worth a panorama

The stump in full force

A hike into the hot springs was in order too

Some lucky hunter found the elusive jackalope and had to show it off at the restaurant/grocery store/liquor store/gas station

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